Still exhausted from laughing so hard......sorry..........managed to get out this afternoon and managed 3 keepers and 1 nice perch. Slammed lots of shorties which is nice to see for a change. Nice eaters at 16, 19, and 22 inches. 8 solid inches of perfect ice and pretty slippery under the snow. Won't be able to get out till after xmas now and I got the itch!!! Fish were pretty aggressive today!!! Pimple with yellow + a minnow was best , followed by raps!!!
Nice catch Slammer.. As for xmas, may Santa bring u 61 pieces of coal in your shorts. I can put my ear south and hear 10,000 Packer fans screamin Superbowl. Boy I hop they like the taste of crow. Grrrr.
Way to go Slammer! Sorry to hear you are still exhausted. I will have my wife drop off some vitamins for you tomorrow... Seriously though, congrats my man. I'm chompin' at the bit to get out there! The fishing has been pretty darn good so far...