Esther and I went to Santee-Cooper, So. Carolina for a few days of cattin'. Temps were colder than usual for this time of year, big surprise! Fished with a guide out of a big pontoon with an enclosure and heater, the Mrs. liked that! She reeled in most of the fish, but let me crank in a few. 6-10 fish a day, all Blues, all pretty big. Her biggest was a little over 40#, my biggun was right at 45. Quite a few in the 20-25# range, rest 10-15. Released the big ones, kept some of the smaller ones to eat, very good. Not like perch, but tasty. Drifting with cut bait, herring and shad. Blues are a very cool fish, bright colors, fight like CRAZY, but when you get them in the boat, they are pretty calm. Fun trip. Frank & Esther