This morning it was -3 when I headed out, but there was hardly any wind so it wasn't too bad. Setting up was fast and furious and Mr. Heater was my best friend. Marked lots of fish early but no takers. Was gonna head out at 11:00 and then caught 1-11 inch perch and a 17 inch eye back to back. Left at noon after no more marks and back out at 2:00 to a different spot. Not one mark until 5:00 and within 2 minutes had a 19 incher and a 26 incher. Never marked another fish after that little fleury!!! Ended up with a couple meals for a full days work. Slow day but better than yesterday!!! Slammer!!! Oh yeah................anybody need some free fish cleaning rags??? I've got a bunch if Lions and Cowboys jerseys that work great!!!
Nice fish buddy. Congrats! Still having folks tell me that they are having their best bite in the middle of of the day some days. Go figure... And you know where you can put your jerseys!
Thanks , and sorry......couldn't help myself!!!
Some times the best bite is betweep 10:00 & 2:00. Just like deer hunting. $hit luck helps too!!!
Go get em and keep me posted, as I won't be able to get out for about 3 weeks