I bought a 2012 Can Am Outlander 650 recently but wasn't happy with it. I loved the machine but really wanted a Side x Side, so I decided to trade it in on one. I even measured my Clam flip over ice shanty before I bought it so as it would fit in the dump box.......It did. So here it is.
Big correction Kevin........We, are going to be the hippest ice fisherman on BBDN this year!!! Between your fishing abilities, Tomjohn's new beautiful toys, Schmutz's cooking talents, and My good looks......there's no reason to not have a good time!!! Do ya think he'll let us drive that thing??? Slammer!!!
Slammer it sounds like a GREAT time to me........We should do it next ice season? We can't let Schmutz just cook. We'll have to let him wet a line or two.
With the way u catch fish Tom i wont have time to fish having to cook that much. You will have to put a 100 lb. whitefish box on the back of that thing. Nice lookin ride
I guess I'll just have to sit there lookin pretty and eat all the fried lawyer schmutz can throw at me!!! Hope I don't eat too much and get sick in your new ride!!! Slammer!!!